Thursday, August 26, 2010


Yesterday I decided to treat myself. I love sparkling water. I buy cans of sparkling water. For a long time now I have felt like this was a silly waste of money. There had to be a way I could put bubbles in the water from my own tap. And yesterday I did it.

sodastream soda maker I bought a Sodastream Home Soda Maker. It is wonderful. It makes this bottle full of bubbles. You know how sometimes you grab a soda just for the bubbles. I liked sparking water before, but this is great since the cost is about 25 cents (and when did they take the cent sign off the keyboard) a bottle.

And the bubbles last all day. I could not have asked for more. I even bought a sampler of all of their flavors and a bottle of cola flavoring. Right now I am drinking Smith’s store brand, so I guess I am not that picky. It has cola, orange, pete’s choice(Dr. Pepper), root beer, lemon-lime, fountain mist (Dew maybe?), diet cola, diet pink grapefruit, diet lemon-lime, diet root beer, diet cranberry raspberry, and one called energy. I am going to wait to open the flavors for Peach Days, cause that is when the sisters will be coming down for a visit.

I just make another bottle of sparking water. At this rate, I may not drink coke much anymore. Which is quite good, because I would really like to wean myself off caffeine so that it works better when I truly need the boost. Like driving. Driving is hard for me right now. Bear and I know all of the shady spots to take a nap.


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I wish heaven had a phone so I could hear your voice again. I thought of you today, but that is nothing new. I thought about you yesterday, and days before that too. I think of you in silence.

I thought of you today. As I drove home from getting my new keyboard. We should have stopped somewhere for dinner and had such a good time. I miss the things we used to do together. It is so very hard to go for a drive, to go anywhere that we used to go to together. How can I go on trips that we had planned together. How can I do things that we had such plans to do. We had such a life planned, and now I don’t know what I want to do.

I often speak your name. Sometimes I ask why you did this to me, even though I realize you did not leave on purpose, that you wanted to stay with us. I think of the plans we each made individually and the plans we made together. When I think of the fun we would have had with each other, it brings a tear to my eye.

I will miss you every day of my life. Even though I am attempting to build myself a new life, to be involved in things, every day I miss you. I hate going to bed without you. I hate that I cannot get things done around the house. It was only this week that I realized that all of the things that I had done were all for you. Nothing seems worth doing anymore. I do realize that fact, but it does not change anything, and I still don’t get much done.

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I have many memories of you, of the things we did and of the places we visited. You will always hold a sweet spot in my heart. I remember the love we shared and the good times we enjoyed. Thank you so much for all you have done for us. For the good times and the not so good times. I will always love you. No one will ever replace you. Not even George.

Your memory is a keepsake, from which I'll never part......

God has you in his arms and I have you in my heart ~ and you will never leave.